Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Sins of a Father

Found this blog sitting in the drafts I am not sure way I didn't push publish back then, I find it very interesting. Its the same feelings I have today with the newest affair but the sad thing is my husband doesn't share those feelings.

About 2 months ago my life came crashing down. It was to the point where if I tried to walk I would just fall. All I could do for several days is cry, cry so hard the pit of my stomach ached like I have never felt and never want to feel again. My marriage was about to end and I didnt know what to do. I was hit so hard with news that just about killed me. Actually I think I died inside at that moment, the moment when I found out the love of my life had given his heart and self to someone else or should I say to the devil?!? The devil has a sneeky way of getting into peoples lives and sitting there just waiting to make his perfect move. The move that he thought he was going to make was not the move we made. Yes, my husband cheated on me and had other multiple affairs of the heart but does that give me the right to run and divorce him? I dont think so. Does it give me the right to run out and cheat on him? Absolutly NOT! (did I think about that,YES would I do it NO) How can getting a divorce make the situtation any better? Does that help the person get better? You have to dig dip and get to the root of the problem of why that person is drawn to his or hers addictions. Sure apart of it is the Devil and the demons that lurk all around us. Its like they are holding your favorite candy out just taunting you when you are on a diet. When getting divorce you have to think about people besides yourself. I would never wish a split family on my children or anyone else! I had to step back and look at the big picture. I still love my husband no matter what has been done. It was easy to forgive him because I was reminded that God forgives us daily for our sins. A sin is a sin no matter what. Can I forget it like Christ does? No, but I know with prayer and ditication to my marriage it will slowly disappear and hopefully learn from it and move forward. I believe everything happens for a reason.


So I have been blogging on my other blog and I decided to click on this one to see what I blogged about last. Well the last time was when our family was dealing with my husbands last affairs, and here we are again dealing with the same thing but just worse. So I shall continue to pray and hope for the best. I will keep telling myself God wouldn't give me something I couldn't handle and I will look at this as an opportunity to grow in my faith and learn to be a strong woman that can count on the only person she can trust...God.