Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What the heck!!

So this morning the tornado sirens went off at 5:30AM. I know I should be grateful we have these things but why do they have to go off when there is NO tornado!!! I just sat down after getting JR off to work at 4:45am and I thought to myself "why go back to bed,just to wake up in an hour" so I got a cup of coffee and sat down to watch some much needed TV (I know, there is never a "need" to watch TV...roll with it) I get all cozy and start watching a DVR'd show and then all heck explodes. Sirens a-blarren (yes, a-blarren its a southern word), Ali crying, dogs barking! WOW what a way to tense a mom up! In the process of trying to switch the DVR to regular TV to see if my house was about to be sucked up into a whirl wind, I accidentally deleted my show!! I finally get the kids on the couch wrapped in blankets, the TV on the news, then they say The National Weather in B'ham jumped the gun a little too quickly the Tornado warning for Montgomery has expired! when we were possibly in danger the sirens DIDN'T go off BUT when we were no longer under the warning they go OFF...Hummm....maybe someone should check on that...I'm just sayin'

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